Openhouse has 5 New Faces!
Here at Openhouse we are happy to welcome 6 new staff members to our company.
We have taken on two apprentices who will be learning in-house through the training provider North Lancs Training Group who we have used many times throughout our past. James will be working in […]
Here at Openhouse we are happy to welcome 6 new staff members to our company.
We have taken on two apprentices who will be learning in-house through the training provider North Lancs Training Group who we have used many times throughout our past. James will be working in production and Dave will be helping out the guys in Research and Development as a Design Apprentice.
We have also hired 3 new sewing machinists, Joanne, Joy and Miranda, who will be joining our team on the sewing floor.
Additional work coming into the company has given us the chance to expand our line up, and with a larger set of employees it is much easier for us to do all the exciting projects our company makes, and also create many more wonderful bespoke items.
Welcome to the team guys, we hope you enjoy working here as much as we do!