Over 95% of Heart Attacks on Golf Courses are Fatal – Defibrillators at Every Club are Necessary
[fusion_dropcap class="fusion-content-tb-dropcap"]D[/fusion_dropcap]efibrillators are an absolute necessary requirement in almost all public spheres. The chances of survival after a heart attack without immediate defibrillation are around 5% and every minute after the attack without defibrillation decreases the casualty’s chance of survival by 20%.
North Charleston […]
Defibrillators are an absolute necessary requirement in almost all public spheres. The chances of survival after a heart attack without immediate defibrillation are around 5% and every minute after the attack without defibrillation decreases the casualty’s chance of survival by 20%.

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Why are their so few golf clubs with defibrillators
Over in the American Heart Association they believe that “Golf courses are among the most common places for Heart Attacks”. which begs the question, why are their so golf clubs with defibrillators?
In Britain only 30% of golf clubs and driving ranges have at least one defibrillator. This is an appalling statistic, especially when you realise that 95% of heart attacks on the golf course are fatal. With one or more defibrillators at every course so many lives could be saved.
With an estimated 60,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests in the UK every year, it is surely necessary to get public access defibrillators in the majority of environments not just the golf clubs.
Changes are starting to be made with the likes of Bernard Gallacher, former European Ryder Cup team captain, launching his own nationwide campaign to save the lives of golfers of all abilities and ages. Gallacher is encouraging every golf course and driving range in Great Britain and Ireland to have at least one public access defibrillator by the end of 2014.
Gallacher drew on personal experience when creating the campaign, almost 20 years ago he himself suffered a heart attack, which he survived after being treated by a defibrillator. It’s estimated that around 2600 golf clubs and 4 million golfers will benefit from his campaign.
Some golf clubs in the UK already have up to 4 defibrillators, keeping one in the clubhouse and others at refreshment huts around the course. If we could see this dedication to the players at every course, that 95% would certainly be decreased.
Openhouse do a wide selection of defibrillators to choose from, come and see them now.